Lose the Weight, Lower Your Health Risks
Healthy Eating
Susan Brady, the editor of The World Is a Kitchen, is a woman with a passion for food. When not living the life of a typical suburban soccer mom, she spends long hours in the kitchen testing recipes from around the world, and travels to faraway places to learn new cuisines.
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Weight Loss
Lose the Weight, Lower Your Health Risks
By Susan Brady
Exhaustion, high blood pressure, heart disease, high cholesterol and diabetes. These are the common problems we associate with excess weight and obesity. But did you know that the danger stretches far beyond these “usual suspects?” Many obese people also suffer from liver and gallbladder disease, sleep apnea, breathing problems, some types of cancer—and many women even experience infertility.
These are just the physical dangers. People who are overweight tend to suffer from significant and prolonged emotional distress, as well. Unfortunately, dieting is difficult, and entire industries have sprung up, promising easy shortcuts to help people lose the pounds from a pill. Such “shortcuts” have a fretful and fatal history, proving that the quick-fix diet pill is both a proven waste of money and a deadly deceit, pulled on innocent people who are desperately trying to make important life changes.
New Hope for Downtrodden Dieters
In order to lose weight, we must eat less. That’s really all there is to it. According to Dr. Alan Hirsch, (MD, FACP) a noted neurologist and psychiatrist, and developer of the Sensa Weight-Loss System, “What you eat is important, to be sure, but even more important is how much you eat. The problem is portion control. When you take in more calories than your body can use up, it turns to fat and excess weight.”
The deadly diet industry promotes “lose weight quick” pills that contain everything from stimulants to fat blockers to laxatives. They offer no help to make healthy lifestyle changes, and all too often, when dieters do lose weight with these products, they gain it back quickly because they slip into old, harmful habits.
A New, Safe Way to Lose Weight
Recognizing that for most people losing weight is a battle against their very nature, the Sensa Weight-Loss System is based on over 25 years of research, as a natural way to gradually, healthfully lose weight and stop over-eating. The program addresses the desire to overeat head on — literally — by using the sense of smell to activate an equally primal process in the brain that tells your body it’s time to stop eating.
Sensa is an all-natural, food-based product – not a pill - which is sprinkled on food. The Tastants, as Dr. Hirsch calls them, are undetectable by us, but are picked up by the brain. Without any harmful side-effects, the brain simply communicates to the body that the stomach is full.
No Drugs, No Dieting, No Problem!
Over time, Sensa users become accustom to feeling full faster, so they eat smaller portions. By the time they have met their weight-loss goals, they have already trained their body to stop overeating - all the while eating the foods they love. “Sensa works with your body’s natural urges, not against them,” Hirsch says, “so you can eat less without even thinking about it.”
Sensa is not intended to be a life-long program and in a clinical study, 1,436 participants lost an average of 30.5 pounds in six months! Most users find that they have also tamed their cravings and overeating in that time. But weight loss is personal and individual, so results will vary. That’s why the makers of the Sensa Weight-Loss System are offering a free trial of this amazing program, so users can get started right away and make a personal decision about how long they need the program.
Losing weight is difficult, but making the effort will be one of the healthiest decisions – emotionally and physically – that anyone will make in their lifetime.
Click here to try Sensa for FREE and start losing those extra pounds.
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