Friday, October 21, 2011

Small Habit Changes That Can Result in Big Weight Losses

Sticking to a healthy diet and exercise plan to lose weight is tough. Fortunately, you don't have to jump into a weight loss plan full force to be successful. Start with small changes and work your way up to an overall healthy lifestyle.

Drink more water. Water does wonders for the body. If you are well-hydrated, you will feel better and less bloated, you will have healthier-looking skin, and you will lose more weight. Water helps you feel fuller, longer, helping you to resist temptation from foods and drinks you shouldn't be consuming. Do you have trouble drinking enough water? Start by adding an extra glass of water to your diet each week until you've reached 8 glasses a day.

Chew gum. Do you crave sweets often? Chew gum to satisfy your sweet tooth and save a lot of calories. There are so many different flavors of gum available that you won't miss your favorite sweets that much. Aside from mint you can try fruit-flavored and dessert-flavored gums.

Wait when you get a craving. Sometimes you feel like you must have chocolate or ice cream. Instead of jumping on that urge, wait it out. Wait 30 minutes and see how you feel. There is a good chance you'll forget about it entirely before 30 minutes is up.

Cut out soda and sugar beverages. Drinking your calories is a bad idea. You won't feel much less hungry, and you'll consume a lot more sugar and calories than you would with healthier snacks. If possible, stick with water. If you must have soda, drink diet. Cut back more every week on how much diet soda you drink.

Reduce Snacking. Snacking is the reason many people gain weight. It's easy to eat too much too quickly without realizing it. Snacks are usually junk food, too. Limit snacks to once or twice a day, and keep healthy snacks around. When you want to have a snack, sit down at the table and eat until your finished. After you're done, get up and walk away. Don't eat while watching television, talking on the phone, or searching the internet.

Shrink portion sizes. Portion sizes are out of control. Decreasing the amount you eat at each meal alone will help you out considerably. Use a smaller plate, don't pile up food, and don't go back for seconds. Eventually, you'll get used to eating less, and eating more will make you feel uncomfortably full.

Do you hate waking up early or staying up late to exercise for an hour? Do you lack enough free time to go to the gym for 2 hours at a time? Exercise for short periods of time throughout the day. Exercise for 5 to 15 minutes, 3 to 5 times a day. Go for a quick walk, do lunges and crunches in your office, or walk up and down your stairs. Small exercises that build your muscles and get your heart pumping are effective and make better use of your time.

Cut out an extra 50 calories per week. If you need to take small baby steps, start with 50 calories. Eat 50 calories less this week than you did last week. Count your calories and stick with it. Next week, eat 50 calories less and so on each week. Once you've cut back 500 calories a week, you'll lose a pound a week. This is an easy way to feel like you're not eating any less while still losing weight.

Think about your eating and activity habits. Find small ways that will affect the health quotient of your lifestyle. Small changes add up to big changes over time. Long-term weight loss is more likely to stick when you can find ways to lose weight that are effective.


Cinergy Health & Life Insurance Agency is dedicated to providing quality health and life insurance plans for people in a variety of life situations. For more information on a selection of health and insurance topics, visit the Cinergy Health & Life Learning Center at .

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Weight Loss Tricks. 10 Ways to Beat Food Cravings

Food cravings are one of the biggest enemies of any weight loss program; they can range from mild desire to full-blown ravenous desperation. No matter how carefully you plan your meals and exercise, food cravings can cause you to reach for the cookie tin and ruin all your hard work.

1. Include high-quality protein in your diet

Food cravings, especially those involving sweet foods, can often be due to dips in your blood sugar. High-quality protein, such as that found in nuts, cheese, chicken and fish, can help to stabilise your blood sugar levels. Eat small portions of protein at regular intervals throughout the day.

2. Change your surroundings

Sometimes all you need is to change your environment; familiarity can lead to boredom, which often leads to food cravings. If you have been sat behind a desk all day or running around the house picking up after your children, get outside in the fresh air for half an hour. Go for a walk in the park, or meet up with some friends for coffee.

3. Avoid sugar

Sugar is full of 'empty' calories that offer no nutritional value, and rarely satisfies hunger for anything more than a short length of time. Sugar also provides 'highs', similar to those experienced by some drug users, which can lead to irritability and further sugar cravings once the effects have worn off.

4. Distract yourself

Find something else to do with your hands; try a crossword puzzle, some knitting, or ten minutes surfing on the internet. Do something that distracts you from your craving, and helps to focus your attentions elsewhere.

5. Try the rubber band technique

Place a rubber band around your wrist; whenever you feel a food craving coming on, pluck the rubber band and snap it back against your wrist. The sharp sting is usually highly effective at distracting attention away from cravings!

6. Bribe yourself

Set yourself goals and rewards for resisting your food cravings. For example, set yourself the goal of resisting your chocolate cravings for a whole week, and reward yourself with a new pair of shoes at the end of the week.

7. Practice delayed gratification

Food cravings are often the result of trying to deprive yourself of certain foods. If you are a chocoholic and suddenly resolve never to eat chocolate again, your body is likely to fight against your decision by sending out intense chocolate cravings. Instead, try just banning chocolate during the day, but allow yourself a small bar of your favourite chocolate late in the evening. This way you won't feel deprived, and will have something to look forward to later in the day.

8. Eat your greens

Some nutritionists believe that calcium deficiency is responsible for many food cravings. Increase your intake of calcium by eating plenty of leafy green vegetables. Skimmed milk and low-fat yogurt are also good low-calorie sources of calcium.

9. Deal with your emotions

One of the most common causes of food cravings is the desire to change our state of mind. People often use food as a way to cope, relax, or deal with emotions that they find difficult. Find other ways to deal with your emotions, such as talking them through or using relaxation techniques, and you may find that your food cravings just simply disappear.

10. Meditate

Meditation can dramatically reduce, or even completely eliminate, your cravings in just a few short minutes. Learning to meditate is one of the most worthwhile things you can do in your quest to lose weight and beat food cravings.

Food cravings will happen if you're restricting your diet. The secret is to plan for them, so that they don't completely derail all your hard work. With a little due diligence, you beat food cravings and continue on your path to weight loss success.


Cinergy Health & Life Insurance Agency is dedicated to providing quality health and life insurance plans for people in a variety of life situations. For more information on a selection of health and insurance topics, visit .

Friday, October 7, 2011

How to Manage Your Body Size With Ease

It is important to deliver on a strategy for the benefits of the Cheat your way thin program. It is this particular instance of hard work that can transform your life for the better. You should make sure that you are in a position to use some of the tips that are provided.

The best methodology for completing the feat of having Cheat Your Way Thin in the real world

Initially one has to define the methodology that they are going to use to achieve their objectives. The work of the project is due to none other than Joel Marion, a veritable doyen in healthy living. The charge for the program is a maximum of ninety seven dollars. The configuration that is on your menu will determine how much you are charged. There is a refund policy in place. The route through which you receive the product is via a digital download. The website will detail the factors that are required for this project.

1. Make intelligent use of carbohydrates: This system is based on the experiences of people who have been able to shed the pounds. You can accomplish the main objectives of the program by regulating your diet. The procedure that gives you allowances ensures that the program does not make it difficult to achieve success. That can open up the doors on the various things that the reader can do.

2. A clear strategy for controlling your weight: The ideas that have been developed under the program are not elongated unnecessarily. In that case the Cheat Your Way Thin process is convenient for people who do not have a lot of time. There is a game changer audio clip that defines the basic concepts of the program. For the readers that are new to this program this is a challenge that can be met with the right tools. It ensures that there is consistency in the delivery of weight loss.

3. A working model for the program completion: In the concluding part of the study there is a note that allows you to eat many of the foods you desire. The health status of all the people that are working on the program is of the utmost importance to the people that wrote the program. It is crucial to develop systems for controlling your food intake because that will help you to be healthier. If worry about the consequences of the steps that you are taking then it is just appropriate to work gradually within the system. You can improve the success rate that you have. This system is the bane to lazy people.

This discussion has opened up the routes for the Cheat Your Way Thin trick. It has provided readers with an insight into healthy living. This is the best hope that perpetual dieters have of kicking the habit.


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